Hiccups are more serious in babies than in adults

2 years ago

Further, hiccups appear in human babieslong before birthand are far more common in infants that adults.Their explanation for this involves the uniquely mammalian activity of nursing.The ancient hiccup reflex may have been adapted by mammals to help remove air from the stomach as a sort of glorified burp.The sudden expansion of the diaphragm would raise air from the stomach,while a closure of the glottis would prevent milk from entering the lungs.Sometimes, a bout of hiccups will go on and on,and we try home remedies:sipping continuously from a glass of cold water,holding one's breath,a mouthful of honey or peanut butter, breathing into a paper bag,or being suddenly frightened. Unfortunately, scientists have yet to verify that any one cureworks better or more consistently than others. However, we do know one thing that definitely doesn't work.

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