The FACTS are in…!!!

2 years ago

Minneapolis/St. Paul Special Interest Groups are sponsoring my opponent’s campaign (as of July 30th) to the tune of over $39,774 and growing!

⁉️WHY does this matter….?
As I talk to the Citizens of this District, they have shared with me that they are concerned about government elected officials not representing “The People” and instead that lobbyists and PACs have too much influence over them.

That’s why from the beginning of my campaign, since Feb. 1, 2022, I committed to not taking outside Special Interest money. I also signed a pledge to support legislation for term limits.

We have too many people going into government positions who are self-serving. Instead, I believe, we need to get back to “Servant Leadership”, where elected government officials are once again public servants and NOT indebted to BIG business, BIG pharma and the political elite establishment.

When you VOTE for Pam Altendorf you get someone with “no strings attached”. I am running to bring accountability and transparency to our MN State Government!

⁉️ If we truly want change…? Then it’s time to elect political outsiders, grassroots candidates and take back our government and return it to WE THE PEOPLE!

As of July 26th campaign finance reports were released showing my opponent had received:
$2054 - lobbyist
$2050 - PAC

In addition, to this $4104 received into his private campaign fund, Minneapolis Special Interests have sent out at least 8 mailings and ran 2 digital advertising campaigns from at least 4-different PAC groups. (You see on the video.)

These reports are all made public.

Please research the candidates closely. Follow me on FB or check out my website and make sure you are an informed voter this year!

VOTE- August 9th - Primary Altendorf for House and help “The People’s Choice” candidate WIN!

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