What's the Story? Plus the Book Hound Radio Show December 23 2019

5 years ago

Going It Alone...the Journey and
Barn Yarns by Eddie Floyd

Two more authors join What's the Story on Monday. In the first half author of In All Thy Ways: Going It Alone Volume II by Harold Thompson (Assent Books an imprint of LeRue Press, December 2019). Thompson joins Janice Hermsen, host and co-hosts April Kempler, Ed Noel and Doug Ashby at 3 p.m.

Then Eddie Floyd, author of the Final Breath: A Love Story and his new release, Barn Yarns: Tales from the Wynema Ranch (LeRue Press, December 2019). You should join the discussion too at 844-790-8255. Or leave a message 24/7 at 844-987-8679 (844-WT-STORY)

There are 8 days left in this year (That's 1 weeks and 1 day): Ready for the holidays?
Don't miss the Book Blitz for some good reading choices .
Ed Noel shares tips and advice.
Brian T. Shirley and the BTS Entertainment Corner-Always informative and entertaining
In the last segment, we'll wrap it all up with some trivia. It's the last show of the year, so don't miss it!
Enjoy quality conversation every Monday at 3 p.m. Pacific Time (6 p.m. for our east coast friends) on KCKQ 1180 or at americamatters.us and join from anywhere around the world. Call us! 844.790.8255 or 844-WT-STORY (844.987.8679). Text to 775.237.2266.

Don't forget: You can watch live or later on What's the Story? Facebook Page. Just click the Facebook link. Or go to YouTube.

What's the Story? Plus the LeRue Book Hound is sponsored by LeRue Press. For all your commercial printing and hassle-free publishing needs, call LeRue at 775.849.3814 or toll-free at 844-987-8679.

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