Dogo Argentino Puppy Succumbs to Couch While Playing

5 years ago

#dogoargentino #dogmata #packplay

Happy 2020!

I would like to start off the year by uploading more frequently. I have tons of short clips like this video, but I have always withheld uploading them because I feel I should add text, sound effects, etc to make it more "entertaining" to watch. The downside is I'm terribly slow at editing.
Typically, a short clip like this would have been included in a "compilation" style video (example: So, I figured I'd upload this as an experiment. No cuts, editing, text explaining the body language between dogs, sound effects, etc; Just a simple video of dogs being dogs, communicating through calm, balanced play.

Would you like to see more content like this?

In this video:
Violet the Dogo Argentino
Lily the American Labrador
Rosie the Azawakh knockoff
Athena the Staffordshire Terrier
Cooper the Cane Corso

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