2020 Setting Goals & How To Achieve Them With Action Plans - Planner Walkthrough + Lose Weight Goal

5 years ago

Goal Setting Masterclass 2020 â–º http://BestLaidPlans.VIP
The Bulletproof Diet â–º https://amzn.to/39p3S6y
Mini Happy Planner â–º https://amzn.to/2ZGVM4V
Goals and Planning Facebook Group: â–º https://www.facebook.com/groups/blpvips

Walking through my 2020 Goal Setting Planner as I explain how to brainstorm your life vision goals, break them down into yearly and quarterly goals, then create ideas and plan action steps to accomplish your goals. I'll show you how to categorize the goals into items that need schedules or trackers, and break down the larger projects into action plans and weekly execution plans. As a bonus, I walk you through my quarterly weight loss goal of losing 12 pounds.

Legal stuff:
I either endorse these products or create them myself, so if you buy from me, you'll help feed my herd of kitties. Oh, and my kids.
No products in this video were compensated promotions.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
The Leafy Treetops link rewards me with their points system.
Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Werq" "Sovereign" "Clear Waters" "Touching Moments - Pulse" "Parting of the Ways Part 1" and "With the Sea" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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