Rev. Brett Connell - Getting to Know (Video)

3 years ago

Christopher has a brief discussion with Rev. Brett Connell. Rev. Brett is the author of 8 books, many prophetic teachings, many deliverance teachings, and is a seer/prophet. God has been moving in his life. Brett shares a candid conversation about the condition of the Church. Brett is married to his wife, Nancy. Together they have a family that includes 8 children. God has blessed Rev. Brett in so many witness. Listen at his story and be inspired.

Purchase his books at this link - click here

Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to 476070__jjmarsan__hello-user-bright-cheery-intro-music; Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

117592__soundmary__aplause-short-burst & 472688__silverillusionist__fire-burst

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