Recipe no. 8. Sprouted chickpea salad

2 years ago

A new recipe EVERY DAY.

Sprouted chickpeas taste just like cooked chickpeas. Chick peas or chickpeas? I think it's chickpea.

The recipes are mainly raw and are Seignalet legal. French professor of medicine Dr. Jean Seignalet (pronounce it "Shon Saynyalay") put 91 so called "incurable" chronic diseases into remission with his diet. See more about the diet and the diseases on my website: or watch my introduction to Dr. Seignalet's as yet untranslated book which I translate as: Nutrition - the third medicine:

The above is the bland description on my youtube version of the video. What follows would get me an immediate ban. I have already had 2 warnings.

Covid-19 and the mRNA so called "vaccine" are bio-weapons. The jab turns your cells into a spike protein factory. It's a toxin which created micro clots and micro embolisms. The billionaire class have decided that with automation and robots and "the Singularity" just around the corner that we are surplus to requirements. We are cluttering up the place and polluting the planet. The aim is to kill us all off.

If you have been jabbed go to where I tell you how to recover, get rid of the junk in your cells and the micro clots, repair the lining of your blood cells a achieve vibrant health which is the best revenge. We need to survive so that we can reverse the tyranny.

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