“Rattlesnake” by HillTop Trio

2 years ago

Music video for “Rattlesnake” by HillTop Trio, from the album “The Hilltop Springboards Vol.1”

Music: HillTop Trio

Video: Calvin Thompson

A nice young ma-wa-wan
Lived on a hi-wi-will
A nice young ma-wa-wan
For I knew him we-we-well

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

This nice young ma-wa-wan
Went out to mo-wo-wow
To see if he-we-we
Could make a sho-wo-wow

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

He scarcely mo-wo-wowed
Half round the fie-we-wield
Till up jumped come a rattle, come a sna-wa-wake
And bit him on the he-we-weel

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

He laid right dow-wo-wown
Upon the gro-wo-wound
And shut his ey-wy-wyes
And looked all aro-wo-wound

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

O pappy da-wa-wad
Go spread the ne-wu-wus
And here come Sa-wa-wall
Without her sho-woo-woos

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

O John, O Joh-wa-wahn
Why did you go-wo-wo
Way down in the mea-we-we-dow
So far to mo-wo-wow

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

O Sal, O Sa-wa-wall
Why don't you kno-wo-wow
When the grass gits ri-wi-wipe
It must be mo-wo-woed

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree!

Come all young gir-wi-wirls
And shed a tea-we-wear
For this young ma-wa-wan
That died right he-we-were

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

Come all young me-we-wen
And warning ta-wa-wake
And don't get bi-wi-wit
By a rattlesna-wa-wake

To my rattle, to my roo-rah-ree

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