Americans like talk about Russian Military’s “operational failures” in initial offensive on Ukraine.

2 years ago

⚠️ This video may be disturbing for Americans — very graphic footage.

Americans like to talk about the Russian Military’s “operational failures” in the initial offensive on Ukraine.

Let’s remind the US Military how it went for them when they invaded Iraq in the early 2000’s

Americans were falling like apples in their own established security zones. Hundreds of Americans were sniped and blown up right under their noses. The US military perimeter security was so bad that they literally weren’t safe anywhere, not even on their permanent points of deployment. US soldiers had mental breakdowns out of paranoia and permanent psychological disorders.

The Islamic Army of Iraq made sure Americans weren’t safe in any corner of Iraq. Americans then resorted to flattening entire cities because they could not cope with precise localized ground offensives.

This footage is shared purely as a combat footage.

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