MIKE BALLOUN | THE BOOK OF HEBREWS CHAPTER 2 (The Greater Accountability of New Covenant Believers)

5 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches on 12-28-2019.
THE BOOK OF HEBREWS CHAPTER 2 (The Greater Accountability of New Covenant Believers)

Verses: Hebrews 2; 1st Corinthians 10; Colossians 3:23-25; Luke 12:47-48, 19:12-27; Philippians 3:14

STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ekxp2jbtr8msthy/AAAxRBUtqLtP9wJWbdFDrNQha?dl=0

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The second chapter begins with the first of 5 great warnings in the Book of Hebrews: “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip (or drift past them).” This holding on to shows that the warning is to continue in the Gospel message that they had heard: 1) the Gift of eternal life at the moment of faith that they had already received which is to continue in the HOPE of something already set before them as believers in the Son. 2) the hope of eternal glory in the heavenly calling, which is a reward, is subject to loss through faithlessness or neglect. The possibility of losing the hope of eternal glory and to reign with Him as His “…fellows…” (1:9) is in view. By their own negligence they could certainly be in danger of losing that for which they should hope for; the fullness of the Son’s Salvation Atonement. This is shadowed in the Israelites’ loss after their deliverance from Egypt ( See 1st Corinthians 10 where it speaks of them being examples to us). For all were brought out but only two prevailed in entering in to the calling to be set apart in a kingdom of kings and priests in the promised land.

VERSE 2 & 3 “For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received just recompense of reward; How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation.…” So this great salvation is not saying, “How will you escape eternal perdition?” But it refers back to joint heirship with the Son in the last verse of chapter one.… “…who shall be heirs of salvation.” That is to say the Son’s full salvation compared to Israel’s is far superior than that of Moses’ salvation, in that He, being a greater Savior, and His salvation holds forth the greater reward of the First Resurrection in partaking in the glorious heavenly Kingdom of the Millennial reign of the Son and fellows (Revelation 20:4-6) as the ‘New Man’. Reigning in the power of that which was foreshadowed by the Holy Spirit in signs and wondrous miracles, and the casting out of satan and his demons, which is representative of that future greater salvation coming. That Kingdom’s greater salvation promise to come that could be lost by negligence is that which the entire Book of Hebrews was constructed around, and that which Paul put all his energies into to obtain… “I press toward the mark (goal) for the prize (first resurrection) of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” [Philippians 3:14]

The multiple warnings being: if the Old Covenant being inferior carried the weight of just retribution for offenses, how shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation? This is not a warning word to the ungodly who refuse to accept pardon for sin inherited from Adam, but to those who are “saved” from the condemning Curse and Wrath. To those who are sure to be set before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ; where He will assume the role of Judge of His people and reward those worthy of inheritance and punish without respect or regard to person for wrong which they have done (Hebrews 10:30, Colossians 3:23-25). It is this reward of greater salvation or loss of Kingdom inheritance that the Holy Spirit holds forth throughout the Book of Hebrews.

The understanding of the Gift and the Prize is the key to curing any theological difficulties within the Book. The drifting past is not heeding what we heard, just as sailors who are asleep at the oars drift past the sanctuary of the heavenly port. Unlike the gracious Gift of eternal life (see Romans 6:23), it requires effort to secure this great Salvation reward. Thus the examples Paul presents the Christian, one being….“let us run the race that is set before us” with a crown in view (1st Corinthians 9:24-10:15). 1st Corinthians 10 gives us the severe reality by the comparing of redeemed Israel with the redeemed by Christ in that “…every transgression and disobedience received just recompense of reward…” Which lays out the position of every Christian while they are alive on this earth plainly enough. As soon as the redeemed Israelites arrived at Sinai, commands of instructions with penalties were given. After Redemption/Deliverance, then came Instruction. And so the Christian delivered from the kingdom of darkness, is now instructed by Jesus Christ (our Greater Deliverer) with commands carrying penalties of sure loss of the Kingdom............

DOWNLOAD COMPLETE STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ekxp2jbtr8msthy/AAAxRBUtqLtP9wJWbdFDrNQha?dl=0

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