Disney Ceo/chairman Bob Iger meets Jesuit "dirty wars"Pope Francis in Rome (Mar 30 2017)

4 years ago

played under fair use act : Leo O'Donovan S.J. a former president of Jesuit Georgetown University is on the board of directors at Disney : "Leo O’Donovan : Disney’s Provocative Choice ,The Washington Post, July 8, 1996"--https://www.reddit.com/r/Jesuitworldorder/comments/cp5jlw/leo_odonovan_disneys_provocative_choice_the/
Current president of Disneyland Josh D’Amaro, went to Jesuit Georgetown! : https://publicaffairs.disneyland.com/josh-damaro-named-president-disneyland-resort/

here are other Romereports videos ive archived of top CEO's going to see the Pope "IMF head (now head of ECB), devout Catholic Christine Lagarde meets with Pope Francis , Jan.18 2016"--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfjlR-IuDwU&t=1s
"Apple CEO Tim Cook makes $$ donation to Pope--Rome Reports (Sept. 22nd 2016)"--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGiqsfb3QWY&feature=youtu.be
"Jesuit Pope Francis meets with CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg in Rome(August 26th 2016)RomeReports"--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eDkVWcES_w&t=4s

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