"Buzz Aldrin's moon mission jacket up for auction "

2 years ago

RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS New York - 21 July 2022 1. Various of Buzz Aldrin's apollo 11 flight jacket 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Cassandra Hatton, Sotheby's Global Head of Science and Popular Culture: "It's incredibly rare. And it's because, A, it's you know, the only Apollo 11 mission. Right? The only first time people go to the moon. But Neil Armstrong's complete in flight cover-all garment: jacket, trousers and boots are at the Smithsonian. Mike Collins jacket, trousers and boots are at the Smithsonian. Buzz's trousers and boots are at the Smithsonian. And that means that this jacket is the only garment worn on the Apollo 11 mission that can be owned privately." 3. Various of pen used by Aldrin to solve a potentially deadly problem on Apollo 11 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Cassandra Hatton, Sotheby's Global Head of Science and Popular Culture: "Buzz is looking at the circuit breaker panel and he thinks, yeah, okay, maybe I could put my little finger in there, but I might get electrocuted and maybe I'll take a little piece of metal, but maybe I'll blow out the entire circuit breaker panel and then we're really dead. Right? And then he realizes he's got this pen in his pocket that has a plastic tip at the end. And by some kind of miracle, the diameter of that plastic tip was the same as the diameter of the switch, and it fit perfectly in that hole and armed the engine and saved their lives."

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