Dr. Ben Carson loosely links Hillary Clinton and her mentor Saul Alinsky to Lucifer.

2 years ago

Dr. Ben Carson loosely links Hillary Clinton and her mentor Saul Alinsky to Lucifer.

CLEVELAND — Ben Carson wanted to get one thing straight right away in his Tuesday speech to Republican convention delegates: "I am not politically correct."

With that out of the way, the retired neurosurgeon and former presidential candidate went on the offensive against "secular progressives," the "political elite," the media, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton — and Saul Alinsky and Lucifer.

Carson told the crowd that one of Clinton's role models, community organizer Alinsky, "acknowledges Lucifer" in one of his books, reflecting the views of secular progressives who would remove God from the nation's life.

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"We will not be blessed, and our nation will go down the tubes," Carson said.

As for the prospect of a Clinton presidency, Carson said, "America may never recover from that."

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