War Pigs - NWO takeover of USA INC

5 years ago

All wars are banker wars! Our "Controlled Reality" shortly may resemble a mix of The Hunger Games Society & The NWO Apprentice... Americans... YOU'RE FIRED! Trump on "Ministry of Truth" broadcast says "We're going to open our country again..." ya after this REGIME drains "We the People" of everything the Middle Class has left THEN offer to HELP... as soon as you take the Bill Gates Shot! Tyranny is founded on Ignorance... there is a lot of Ignorance in USA Inc. Americans have been coddled & lied to since the day "We the People" were born by government and parents (Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy)... Americans need to grow up & get REAL! USA Inc has turned into la la land... Clearly it is GOOD versus EVIL now... people need to choose one! There is No Rule of Law in USA Inc anymore. Any of the Human Herd that does not "GET IT" yet will "UNDERSTAND IT" when a government thug's boot is on their throat. Obama was the first chosen one & now Trump is the second chosen one to RAM this NWO down your throats literally! They will starve "We the People" financially AND then starve "We the People" of food, resources, family unit and if needed outages of Internet & power. THEN "the system" will OFFER HELP if you TAKE THE SHOT! Anyone still thinking "Regime Takeover" could not happen is not thinking... UNTIL the American Herd Mentality changes "We the People" will NEVER go back to life before . The Purge & Zombie movies are Predictive programming preparing Americans for the HELL planned. Maybe April will be the sudden mass awakening from their American Dream into their American Nightmare. Remember our "Predictive Programming" told us Zombies are Real... ;-) Everyone locked down... what "an opportunity to do something that could not have been done before..." some know WHO said something like that...

After the drone airstrike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani on January 2, 2020 first thing I thought of was the song War Pigs. The War Pigs can not let us have a peaceful decade. This new decade they kicked it off right away. Last decade we had 1.75 years before 9/11. I lived in Manhattan from 1997 to 2010 and was in Manhattan on 9/11. That changed my life.

It appears to me this was planned months ago and the attack on the US embassy was part of the plan to get Americans behind another war. The only reason all these wars can occur is our FIAT currency - the US dollar. Another war for Israel... this is NOT GOOD and was NOT required! I do not support war with Iran! Trump has lost his damn mind and surrounded by too many Neocons.

Trump is going to get the USA bombed to hell by Russia and China. We have it coming at some point for killing millions of innocent women and children all over the Middle East FOR ISRAEL the last 18 years. Chuck Schumer is a Zionist piece of shit who pushed for this airstrike. Schumer covered up for the Bill Clinton (another murderer) administration's killing of Americans at Waco, Texas by US military in 1993 too.

The same groups (Neocons and Zionists) that planned this are the same groups that planned 9/11. Democrats and Republicans are both WAR PIGS and Israel's bitches! This system needs to be restructured or dismantled before the NWO succeeds in it's agenda to destroy USA in order for a One World Government to proceed.

Once one understands all aspects of prior wars a pattern becomes quite clear. All initiating incidents were arranged, allowed to happen or in the case of Vietnam never happen at all.

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