Why Forgive Mama? Iran IED Experience. PP in LA Schools. (Mon. 1/6/20)

5 years ago

The Hake Report, Mon. 1/6/20, Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson’s stream: Hake talks more with callers about Trump’s strike killing Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who reportedly was behind IED's killing and maiming American soldiers — one of whom calls at the end of the show! Amazing calls, thank you — there’ve been crazy wildfires in Australia (continuing) and California (recently). Homelessness and opioids are a major problem here in the U.S. Marines are integrating women and men together, SMH.

Some guys talk about Christianity and whether Jesus and the Bible call for people to forgive their mothers — including some kinda dumb blacks like Earl from MI and Tony from CA. Nuance Bro on The Fallen State drove David from KY nuts; he prefers the Freemason; he does not support suicide. Lynn from Chicago shares an amazing experience about IEDs, Iranians, American soldiers, and Gen. Soleimani.

Also: Planned Parenthood is opening "Wellbeing Centers" (clinics) in 50 L.A. county high schools, under Barbara Ferrer (pictured in thumbnail), director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and a former high school principal.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/1/6/why-forgive-mama-iran-ied-experience-pp-in-la-schools-mon-1620

Jesse Lee Peterson’s original stream: https://youtu.be/fBIGfqqrDWw

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church with for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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