Plants vs Zombies 2 - Epic Quest - Seedium Plant Showcase - Levitater - August 2022

2 years ago

This Epic quest focuses on the Seedium plant Levitater and was offered between August 1, 2022 and September 12, 2022.

Levitater is a member of the Enchant-Mint family.
Levitater costs 50 Sun
Every 12 seconds, the zombie closest to Levitater will levitate and float back one tile. This takes five (5) seconds.
There is a 1% chance to levitate the zombie off the lawn. (+1% per level.)
When given plant food, there is a 32% chance to levitate the zombie off the lawn. (+2% per level.)
When under Enchant-Mint, 50% chance to levitate off the lawn.

This is going to be one of those interesting plants. One will need to plan a strategy around this plant. Ten (10) Levitaters enchanted by Enchant-Mint could really thin out a zombie horde.

In action - this plant really slows down a zombie attack. Slows it down to a point where only a few offensive plants are needed to clean up the zombies.

This would be great for those Penny levels where one must survive X minutes.

Bottom Line:
Keep an eye out for this one. There could be opportunities to create a nice winning lawn set up. The fear here is that like other trickery plants - Hocus Crocus - zombies can easily overwhelm the lawn.

00:00 Level 1 of 5
02:52 Level 2 of 5
05:42 Level 3 of 5
XX:XX Level 4 of 5 - did not record
07:04 Level 5 of 5

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