Dutch, French and US Marines land in Norway for Exercise Cold Response 22

2 years ago

March 23, 2022 - Marines from the Netherlands, the United States and France have landed in Norway to participate in Cold Response 22, a long-planned Norwegian-led exercise that pits NATO Allies and partners against the unique hardships of the High North.

Marines from the Netherlands, France and the United States have landed in Norway to participate in Cold Response 22, a long-planned Norwegian-led exercise that pits NATO Allies against the unique hardships of the High North.

More than 30,000 troops from 27 NATO Allies and partners have gathered in northern Norway for the drills, which started in early March and will continue until 1 April. The exercise simulates a collective defence scenario, with Marines staging amphibious landings to quickly reinforce Allies under attack. It also lets troops conduct military operations in uniquely challenging weather and terrain, giving them a chance to refine their tactics.

Footage includes shots of Dutch, French and US Marines coming ashore in northern Norway, assisted by Dutch Marines. Soundbites with Lieutenant General Yngve Odlo, Chief, Norwegian Joint Headquarters, and Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Gordinier, Commander, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment.

Film Credits
NATO Channel


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