Angel and Penny settled together - cut the knots out of her mane and gave it a good brush

5 years ago

I had to take the younger horses out of the paddock, as the dam water level is low and they are crossing from one paddock to the other and it's not a good herd mix. I want Angel and Penny to relax and they're a perfect mix. Both quiet. Angel stood over Penny while she slept this afternoon.
Angel responded well to me holding her with a neck rope and brushing her while Penny ate. She got a small snack, but I do not want her to colic, so am only giving her hard feed sparingly. The green pasture alone is enough of a shock to her system.
I kept her locked in the cattle yard for a few hours this morning after worming her. Just to give her a break from gorging herself.
I'm hastening slowly. She smells bad and I want to wash her, I'll see how she is tomorrow or I might wait an extra day. I'm working on earning her trust and confidence and do not want to overwhelm her.
She's easy to catch, not problems at all.

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