Sunday Wire 1/5/20 - Patrick Henningsen on Soleimani, Iraq, Iran, and the American Politics of War

5 years ago

In this excerpt from 21st Century Wire's Sunday Wire program (Episode #309) Patrick Henningsen (a true journalist, and usually the host of the show) provides some background to the U.S Embassy siege in Baghdad, the subsequent political assassination of general Qasem Soleimani by the Trump administration, and tries to explain what in the hell is currently going on in Iraq, Iran, the broader Middle East, as well as how it relates to American politics and mainstream media propaganda. As usual, the Sunday Wire provides a wholly different perspective than what most Americans are painfully subjugated to by corporate news networks, or even progressive-leaning independent media outlets like Democracy Now and the Intercept. This time the broadcast was co-hosted by Daniel Spaulding and the show producer's Hescher, who mentions the huge crowds of Iranians who marched in the wake of Soleimani's death:
Great conservations and excellent points made by Mr. Henningsen toward the end of the segment in which he compares Iran's track record of human rights abuses and state-sponsored terrorism to the United States'.

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