THE DROP OF WATER - New In-Store Display!

5 years ago

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Here is our first In-Store Display for our retail locations!

We're current'y searching for 1 retail location in each of the 50 US States to get started with expansion of our gifting mission to thank those who have dedicated their lives to water protection. Over 3,000 have been hand made and gifted.

We would love your help in finding the perfect retail location in your state. We'll start with 1 location in each state and then expand from there.

Here's how it works!
We wholesale 20 handmade glass water drop necklaces to retail shops for half the MSRP. Retailers pay for 20 but we send 30 per order. The 10 extra drops are intended to be gifted out by the retailers at their discretion to other water protectors not yet honored by this gift. If they choose to sell the 10 extra, that is up to them, but we'd prefer this drops are gifted to those who are protecting water.

Please leave your retail location suggestions in the comments below!

*If you are a retailer and interested in supporting our cause, please email us at

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