This is destroying America more than anything.

2 years ago

Watch this clip from The Lance Wallnau Show.

Podcast #671: We decoded the enemies playbook and found out how to beat them! - This is powerful. Listen to this full episode right here on rumble.

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"Today's episode is from a recent event where Lance shares that Donald Trump epitomizes the battle we're in right now. When it came time for the 2020 election, Lance had tremendous anxiety, as he felt something was unresolved in America. That unresolved issue was that God was giving us grace by having Trump there.

America's redemptive purpose and destiny was to proclaim liberty throughout the earth. Still, once you start coming against the anointing, the word of God, and the Spirit, you come under the judgment of God because you're no longer broadcasting to the world freedom; you're promoting perversion.

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