Michael Jackson and Jesus waiting for you - Heaven Meditation - Religion does not matter - Only Love

2 years ago

We are all beautiful souls. Religion does not matter, our hearts and souls matter only. Jesus accepts us the way we are, religious, or not. The only thing we forgot is to love each other with whole heart and soul. Lets share nothing but love and prayers for each other in comment section. Let the love beggin. WE LOVE YOU.

Universe is made from LOVE.
Every human being is made from LOVE.
Every animal is made from LOVE.
Nature and Sky are made from LOVE.

But, our human hearts got colder and darker, we became blind. We look but we do not see. We hear, but we do not understand. Lies are told to us and we believe it. We deny. We do not listen, look, care. We became wicked and we love it. We love pleasure, not things from heaven. We fall. Let us LOVE EACH OTHER.

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