ag is ignorant but she loves her arachnids

2 years ago

they're not worried about food
spiders aren't capitalists
their ecosystems ain't controlled by industries
confused like the rest of america
an iphone the size of a spider w/ teenie tiny little apps
antsy due to being camera shy
you can't misgender anything anymore
not an actual filmmaker (obviously)
started this documentary type thing back in 2017
this ain't always the positive light
why it gets labelled an illness
extra emotions, that's it
i've healed myself
zit right next to my stache, so excited to turn this into a witch's wart
i just think it's funny is all
the typical female response
women are the reason why this country sucks
they obviously don't want what's best for them anyway
animal tik toks are the best ones
took back all that i said about tik tok haha
i hate the medium not everyone that's on it
the world is bullying me haha
taking measures to be better
i feel for a society so unknowingly suicidal

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