Grateful For Cannabis If I Choose

5 years ago

Day #296 of my 365 Daily Gratitude.
I am grateful we have the ability to choose to use cannabis here in Canada if we want. I talked with a man who had spent time in jail for criminal charges over pot. His life has been severely affected by being labeled a felon. Job opportunities virtually dried up, community reputation affected as well, his sense of self and opinion of his worthiness to thrive as a success had been deeply compromised. What an unfortunate legal reality it was causing a waste of a good strong man's full potential and a shame on a messed up system at tax payers expense. Way to go Canada and all the other countries and states that have realized how counter productive and damaging it is policing its citizens for their life style choices. The health and healing benefits of this hardy prolific weed are still being discovered as well and I remain ever grateful for that . If you don't like marijuana don't use it. If your neighbor, grandmother, baker or anyone else around you does, oh well. Put your judgement where it belongs... no where.

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