The Rapture & 'TWO MOONS' Part 2 Prophecy Fulfilled (See Footage) Before the Rapture, This Happens..

5 years ago

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In this video, I reveal several 'TWO MOON' video clips of actual real 'bootleg' footage from various sources around our country. Many precious brothers and sisters have long been having prophetic dreams of two moons and these precious holy spirit filled prophetic dreams are now coming to pass. There are signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars being fulfilled NOW!!! Before the rapture comes to pass, we must first enter into a time of darkness, where the Sun goes black and the Moon is red as blood; but before this can happen, we must experience an epic world wide earthquake that quickens all of the dead from within the Earth, as the Earth reveals ALL of her slain. Then the rapture comes. But, before this event happens, 'the Earthquake', we must first see the signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars. So, precious children of God, hold your heads up and praise our Lord, for He is indeed most worthy! Amen!!!

#TwoMoonsFulfilled #ComesBeforeRapture #SignsInTheHeavens
*Link to (The Rapture & 'TWO MOONS' Revealed Prophetic Dreams Part One)

*Link to (WARNING Dream: Two Moons, Invasion Dream of US Being Invaded Dec 16, 2019)

*Link to (9 Prophetic Visions: Rapture, Nuclear, Resurrection, Asteroid, Flooding, Aliens are Demons!)

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