30 07 2022 Melbourne Rally Part 3 of 8

2 years ago

Numerous the all seeing eye at federation square.
Watching me watching you watching me watching you signs around federation square.
Eyeballs located around federation square.
You who know - know the symbolism and meaning of them things at federation square.
Protest at federation square for the people who been imprisoned and beaten and killed and controlled by their Myanmar military government.
I have no idea what they were saying, but their signs tell the story.
You have people protesting about the abuses and killing and imprisoning of their people in Myanmar in one area, and next to that you have another protest protesting about the abuses and killings and imprisoning of their people in Melbourne Australia in the other area.

2 groups of people each protesting about the same abuses of their respective country's and governments - both wanting their freedom from their government abuses and control. Calling for democracy - yet on one side of federation square the police did not want the 2 groups to meet together.

The 2 groups come near each other, each group calling out their respective chants.
If you are apart of either group, please take the time to see and read the signs of the other group. Both are fighting for the same thing for each of your respective countries
Myanmar has had a very bloody history - something the western people should really at least know about.

China with the forced organ harvesting - people - family and loved ones go missing
Myanmar with the forced military control - people - family and loved ones go missing
Australia with forced injections and enforced government laws - people - family and loved ones go missing

At the 12:21 section officer 38603 has an imaginary line which forbids certain people to stand or walk in certain areas or pass a certain point in an open and public space - by what law or regulation that forbids this lady from standing there - only in his imagination knows why.

( it is actually in her legal right that she is lawfully and legally allowed to stand and walk there and anywhere around there that she pleases without any hinderance - Yes it is her legal and lawful right by the Australian law and signatures - Look it up )

What is the right to freedom of movement?
The right to freedom of movement includes the right to move freely within a country for those who are lawfully within the country, the right to leave any country and the right to enter a country of which you are a citizen. The right may be restricted in certain circumstances.

Where does the right to freedom of movement come from?
Australia is a party to seven core international human rights treaties. The right to freedom of movement is contained in articles 12 and 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)- external site.

7.1 Freedom of movement at common law primarily concerns the freedom of
citizens both to move freely within their own country and to leave and return to their own country. It has its origins in ancient philosophy and natural law, and has been regarded as integral to personal liberty.
1 The freedom is fundamental to the conduct of commerce, employment and cultural exchange, and is central to international law relating to asylum.
7.2 This chapter discusses the source and rationale of the common law right of
freedom of movement; how this right is protected from statutory encroachment; and when laws that interfere with freedom of movement may be considered justified,

Meaning, even if a law is made making it appear that the restriction of movement maybe justified, it states that it protects you from such laws to ensure your legal right to move around freely, thereby she has right to go where she wants - when she wants, and the officer making up something about that she is not to go there or stand there is not justified.

This is not legal advice - just a quick 30 second search online. Please do your own research or seek a professional lawyer for your own legal advice ( disclaimer )

Speech at Federation Square.

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