Recipe no. 7. Sprouted quinoa salad

2 years ago

A new recipe EVERY DAY.

Here is a good video that shows you how to sprout quinoa.

But why on earth does he then cook them? Believe me they are much more delicious just raw and sprouted.

My recipes are mainly all raw and are Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") legal. French professor of medicine Dr. Seignalet put 91 chronic, so called "incurable" diseases into remission with his diet. You can read more about the diet here: or watch my introduction to Dr. Seignalet's book (not yet translated into English.

The above is my bland description on my youtube version of the video. If I put the real message I would get an immediate ban. I've had 2 warnings already. The clot shot is designed to kill you. The billionaire class have decided that with automation and robots and "the Singularity" just around the corner we are all surplus to requirements. The World Economic Forum openly calls us "the useless class". They have corrupted our governments and control them through unelected NGO's like the WHO. Covid-19 and the jab are both bio-weapons deliberately engineered to kill us off. People are now dying in large numbers but it's not being reported by the mainstream media who are controlled by our masters.

The Seignalet diet is part of my non-pharma protocol to recover from the jab and live a long and healthy life. Achieving Vibrant Health is the Best Revenge and is the first step in reversing the tyranny. Go here to read the protocol:

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