Eric's 1 Year Transitioning Anniversary Story

2 years ago

5/13/22 - It has been exactly one year since my younger brother's passing and it feels just like yesterday. I can't believe he is gone, and I find myself wanting to ask him so many questions or to invite him to go get some ice cream in town with me. He was always the life of the party, and knew how to have fun. I will miss him dearly, but know he is in a better place now with all of the loved ones who have gone before him - my grandmother who he loved so dearly, my grandfather who he loved watching football games with and eating out at Alton's Restaurant, our biological mother who he never got to know as a baby, as well as our one uncle Bruce, and our other uncle Brian who he loved helping me watch his cats for at his house up in the woods and at which we would always go up there to have Christmas dinners at every year. Life sure has a funny way of giving you curve balls and hiding lessons in them, with a lot of sorrow and even some pains in there, only for you to heal from and later in the upcoming years turn those tears from ones of sorrow into ones of joyful memories. Here is to many more joyful memory tears and no more of the sorrowful filled ones for the many more years to follow. Rest In Peace Eric. You are greatly missed.

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