Root Cause solution to Autoimmune Diseases

2 years ago

HDGMAD (Hormone Dependent Genetic Mutated Allele Diseases) Theory and Solution is the best solution for diseases formerly known as autoimmune diseases. Our diseases are NOT the problem they are a symptom of the problem. By shifting the paradigm on how we think about our diseases allows us to see the root cause of our diseases. The root cause of our diseases is detrimentally mutated genetic code. Only by dealing with the root cause, by understanding Genetic Time and using HDGMAD solution, can we ever be free of our diseases.
I give this solution to you for free. It came at great personal cost to me and my family but no Human (anywhere) deserves to suffer from these awful diseases. I put my body and organs through countless tests trying to “break” my theory and solution; trying to induce a flare of my ulcerative colitis but not once was I successful until I stopped using my solution to prove to my gastroenterologist that I was not in a “spontaneous remission” event. I think of spontaneous remission as a doctors way of saying they have no idea what is happening. It’s akin to bloodletting and trying to drive away evil spirits. It’s laughable…in a not so funny way.

I am not a doctor, nor do I want to be one, but if you’re watching this video, reading this description, and suffering from a disease do you really care who finds an answer to your disease? My solution works. When it works for you send me an email and tell me your story. If you have questions or need help finding the right hormone levels for your body then send me an email at I look forward to hearing your success stories.

Remember no one needs to suffer from these diseases. Tell everyone you know about this. There’s about 1 billion people on this planet that suffer from an HDGMAD disease.

I believe this will help all of us.

Nathan Cartwright

P.S. - I misspoke in a few places.
1. I do not have an endocrinologist; I meant to say gastroenterologist
2. I used the word drugs instead of hormones in a few places where the word hormones might be a better description
3. I spoke of Big Pharma several times. Please do not take this as a slight against Big Pharma. Without them many of us would be dead, including myself, so I tip my hat to them for their work.

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