Well Springing Up Into Eternal Life - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson Turner

2 years ago

Complete sermon on "Reformation Thinking" from AV1611Hour delivered December 28, 2008 by Pastor Nelson Turner, demonstrating from God's word (the AV1611 King James Bible from the account of the visit of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob -- John 4:5-26) the following:
1) The Lord Jesus Christ WAS a Jew
2) The Lord Jesus Christ IS Messiah
3) The Lord Jesus Christ GIVES us living water to drink (it is a gift, we DON'T EARN it) and whosoever drinketh of the water He gives shall never thirst
4) The water that He gives shall be a well of water springing up into eternal life in those to whom He gives it
5) TRUE worshippers MUST worship the Father in spirit and in truth (which warns that there are false worshippers who don't do that -- regardless of what they might believe to the contrary.)
If this is a blessing to you by God's grace, please write to Pastor Turner at P.O. Box 257 Grantville, PA 17028 or via e-mail at Bookland@Comcast.net to let him know that the Lord has blessed you in this preaching. You may also write to Pastor Turner if by your study of God's eternal, infallible word, the AV1611 King James Bible, you have honest questions about the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed therein to God's Elect.

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