Jude 1:5-7 Learn from the past, Please!

2 years ago

Jude 1:5-7 Learn from the past, PLEASE!
George Santayana is attributed for coming up with the saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” Although this quote has nothing to do with Christianity, we see how it is proven true by what God has given us in His written word. The Bible is so much more that a book full of history it is the Living Word of God, yet the history contained in its pages are there for our benefit. We can see how God has dealt with mankind throughout history and know exactly what is expected of us in modern day. We see what makes God mad, we see what pleases God, and we can see a pattern of how God reacts in each instance. Jude seems to know the importance of recalling the past as he reminds his readers of three very important historical moment where God dealt harshly with those who rebelled against Him. He reminds them of the children of Israel who perished in the wilderness because they didn’t believe God could do what He said he would do, the angels who rebelled against God and are not doomed to eternal punishment, and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that was destroyed for their sexual perversion and sinful lifestyles.
Like I mentioned earlier the Bible isn’t just a book that is entertaining to read, there is a reason that it contains every word that it contains. That reason is God’s love for His humanity. God didn’t leave us to blindly stumble through this life trying to figure things out on our own, He gave us an instructional manual in the Bible. The manual is not just a list of do’s and don’ts it is full of real-life examples that we can learn from mistakes and successes. It saddens me to see a society that no longer values or cherishes the word of God and it shows by the direction that it has chosen to follow. Jude was warning the readers to not fall into the trap of believing that one can be in the world and in the church at the same time as he mentioned in verse 4 those who corrupted the message of God’s grace. We plead with you today, learn from the past, make the study of the Bible an everyday part of your family’s life. Apply what you read to your daily walk and make Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life.

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