Model a simple table in blender (a video response)

5 years ago

Today I've stumbled upon this video: and the way JB Gameplay started modeling seemed odd to me. it has too many steps and takes too long to create such a simple model.
I was about to leave a comment pointing that out when I thought: it might be a good Idea to record how I usually do it to give him a better idea what I'm talking about. And here's the result.
Watching it after recording, there are two small concerns I might want to address:
1- there are few faces that overlap where the legs meet the top, but those faces are never visible to be concerned about z-fighting.
2- The way I've resized the table at the end was not ideal, the lack of precision and disregard for the offseted origin brings shame to me and my future generations, my brain would never forgive me for not letting it know the finished dimensions of the table.

I do love to create these small tutorials but unfortunately I can't narrate them, hopefully the silence doesn't bore you to tears.

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