A rope through eternity • valuing the human experience

5 years ago

Life is a mindblowing mystery. There is an eternal dialogue between the living and the dead. Consciousness is eternal. It can bring everything back to infinity in one instant. Grief is a special kind of love that struggles to express. Mind control has been tearing humanity apart in all kinds of inverted directions. This is a brutal process for all, deeply traumatic, yet deeply rewarding in terms of spiritual understandings. We shall be reminded not to lose ourselves in the scripts for they are a scam. Some forces do try to steal our will, our confidence, our motivation. Stealing our hope. Feeding from our sorrow.Yet we are so much more than any story a mind can come up with. The light and courage inside of us can only be lit by ourselves, no matter how much others shine upon our lives and are providing eternal rays of sunshine. The gap inside our hearts can only be filled by our quest, our understandings and our spiritual evolution. Where is the first exit door ?

A shift of perspective allows to transform goodbye into a new way to say hello. We shall remember our own worth and incredible significance. Our stories are dissolving into the Great caldron. As I am sending a rope through eternity, I witness the never ending game of consciousness.Death does not mean love has to end. It can take a whole new dimension. We are worthy. We are enough. We are whole and we are already there. The codes inside of us are the key to access a deeper knowing and to find our way to the freedom that we are aspiring to come back to.

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