El El Plays Final Fantasy 6 Episode 6: Thou Thou Thou

2 years ago

Ello Ello, everyone! Thank you so much for watching my Final Fantasy 6 Let's Play series! Last time Kefka poisoned the water supply of Doma, Hotdog's home. This killed everyone but our playable character, if you can believe it. Seeking revenge Hotdog stormed the barracks and thats where Rice and Nesta helped him out. Now they are all heading towards the rest of our party, but along the way Nesta left, but we met a boy named Gau/Gator!

This is Final Fantasy 6 episode 6.

If you'd ever want a pet portrait or some fan art made please check out my website https://www.elelil.com ! A pastel drawing makes a great gift for any occasion!

Your comments are welcome, let's talk about this great game!

#letsplay #casualplay #jrpg #gaming #snes

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