new rider & horse - Che Qianzi

3 years ago

A poem by Che Qianzi translated from the Chinese by Jeff Twitchell.

Fire-like gallop
What burns away first os the rider's head
Then the shoulders
Then the arms
Then the chest
Then the belly
Then the waist
Then the buttocks
Then the legs
And then the horse's body
Jade-green mane
And the horse's head
Finally, the horse's legs
Everything is burned away
Then they will run faster

[Here is another translation of a poem in by Che Qianzi ]

"New Horse and Rider" is taken from "Original: Chinese Language-Poetry Group"
published by Parataxis Editions of Brighton 1994

A special edition of Parataxis: modernism and modern writing
Number 7, Spring 1995

chinese language poems in English translation ...

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