The Cross and the “Born Again” Jesus Deception

2 years ago

Kenneth Hagin does not end his questionable teaching at this level. He clearly states that no one can understand the authority in the Name of Jesus until they understand the “born again Jesus.” He emphasizes this as follows: “You will not be able to understand the authority in the name of Jesus until you understand this fact. Down in the prison house of suffering, down in hell itself, Jesus satisfied the claims of justice on the behalf of each one of us, because He dies as our substitute.” (Ibid. p. 33)

This makes Jesus a totally different person than the “Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.” (John 1:29) The prophetic idea of a lamb as a type of Christ’s death was the heartthrob of the First Testament sacrifices. Jesus’ death was a perfect fulfillment of that First Testament shadow. Messianic prophecies all show His “blood sacrifices” as the perfect act of redemption. There is not one type in the Old Testament prophecies, which does not suggest “blood” as God’s accepted offering for our sin. It is so firmly established that to argue further is to belittle the facts.

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