The Papacy rules the world...

2 years ago

The Bible and the Bible alone are used to identify the Antichrist power. The little horn power of Daniel 7 with its twelve clear identifying features points to the only one who can qualify as Antichrist. Modern day deceptions regarding the little horn power, the doctrines of preterism(that the Antichrist existed in the past) and futurism(that the Antichrist will come in the future) are contrasted with the plain Biblical teachings. The word of God is sharper than a double-edged sword cutting even to the marrow. The Papacy appeared after the Roman Empire was removed. The Papal Office has been Anti-Christ since its inception. The Pope heads this office, just as the line of the British Throne is not one man or woman, the Anti-Christ is not one man but a succession of men who hold that office. I believe there will be a final Anti-christ who will be here when Jesus Christ returns, the present Pope Francis has said he `might` retire shortly, then I think we will see what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2:9 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders", this will be the final Anti-christ who will be destroyed when Jesus returns. Time is coming to an end, now is the accepted time, seek Jesus while you still can.

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