Reliable Gospel - Like the Rain that Nurtures Life

2 years ago

Weekly Sermon No.4 - 01/08/21
"Reliable Gospel - Like the Rain that Nurtures Life"
There are powerful metaphors in the Bible which God uses to reach us with the faith, hope and love which He is constantly showering the earth with. I elaborate on two such images in this sermon. Firstly, the beautiful image of the rain or snow falling to the earth to achieve its purpose of nurturing life, before returning to the heavens on its cyclical journey. The second image is that of a spoken word coming from the mouth of God. These two images powerfully combine to give us a sense that when God spoke His Word, it has gone forth and achieved its purpose. May we connect with Jesus - God's Word - and engage with the new creation life which awaits us, and then step out into our family and community life with renewed energy and hope.
Professional Christian
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David aka Professional Christian
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