MORE SANDY HOOK REPRISALS - James Fetzer and Michael Ogden

2 years ago

Alex Jones trial: After heated exchanges between lawyers, jurors shown InfoWars videos
7/28/22 -- Austin American-Statesman - Chuck Lindell

Alex Jones is being sued for $150 million dollars by two parents of the Sandy Hook Event for claiming it was a Hoax.
The session begins with discussion of the Alex Jones' trial for damages and why Jim thinks he may be throwing the case. When Jim' name was mentioned, the witness (who appears to be one of Alex's producers) said he was a professor at the University of Minnesota, who had written a book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. When asked if anyone else contributed, she said "James Tracy" and they turned to James Tracy. But if he wanted to show that his statements that Sandy Hook was a hoax were reasonable, she should have explained that he brought together 13 experts (including 6 Ph.D.s) who concluded the school had been closed since 2008, that there were no students there, and that it was a FEMA drill for which they even found the exercise manual, which was published in the book. That would have knocked the socks off the jury! Not good. And Jim's blog has been taken and his bio-sketch page on amazon used to smear him at a time when many who are following the trail may want to know more about him and his research on Sandy Hook. Guest today Michael Ogden has a book, A World of Lies, Collusion and Conspiracy, which covers a wide range of controversial subjects, on most of which Jim agrees. But he also defends Flat Earth and denies the reality of nuclear weapons, so Jim is bringing him back on Monday to discuss these topics especially with two experts. Look forward to the fireworks!

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