Iron Fist 2020 Teaser Video, CAMP PENDLETON, CA, UNITED STATES, @GEORGEnews Today

5 years ago
11 | Iron Fist 2020 Teaser Video, CAMP PENDLETON, CA, UNITED STATES | U.S. Marines and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) soldiers will conduct a joint amphibious training during Exercise Iron Fist 2020 on Camp Pendleton, California. Iron Fist is an annual bilateral amphibious training between the U.S. Marines and JGSDF soldiers to improve the participant's respective capabilities and enhance U.S.-Japanese relationships. (U.S. Marines video by Cpl. David Luckey)

This is a NEW Weekly (Raw and unedited) addition to our channel. Special Thanks to the State Dept / DOD / CENTCOM for sharing these with us, so that we can share them with you. #KnowYourMil

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