Meditation music LIVE streaming. Astral projection, lucid dreaming, binaural beats, isochronic, OBE

4 years ago

Thanks for tuning in to our relaxing meditation music live streaming ! Introduce yourself to the Tera Mangala Meditation Music community in the chat and let us know where in the world you’re listening from. Enjoy!

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Binaural beats are a special type of audio file which forces your brain into a certain state. Your brain can only perceive certain frequencies, and frequencies below a certain number of cycles per minute (or HZ) can’t be perceived.

To get around this, if we play two DIFFERENT frequencies, one in each ear, our brains get tricked and ‘perceive’ a middle frequency inside our minds. This allows us to play certain frequencies that we’d otherwise be unable to hear. These other frequencies can be created and tuned to make our brains do incredible things.

We can induce a lucid dreaming state, increased focus, better energy, sexual feelings, anything you can imagine. If it has a brainwave state, we can induce it through binaural beats.

Watch our last LIVE streaming :


For the smaller tracks of 1 hour or so, here’s what you need to do. Set your alarm for 2 hours before you’d normally wake up, for example 4-5AM. When the alarm goes off, wake up, put the track on in STEREO headphones, and listen to it AS you’re falling back asleep.

Also while you’re falling asleep (listening to the binaural beats) tell yourself ‘I will become lucid’ over and over again. Focus on keeping your mind awake while your body falls asleep (enters and passes through sleep paralysis). Don’t worry, sleep paralysis is normal and we all experience it every night. To lucid dream you need to stay awake THROUGH it and keep focusing on staying awake until you hit the lucid dream state.

The key is to RELAX as deeply as you can and let yourself fall asleep, while keeping your mind awake and aware. These binaural beats have been created specifically to stat at about 14HZ and drop slowly down to the Theta wave lucid dreaming frequency of about 4-6HZ.

Dark Meditation: Deep Trance Meditation Music for Astral Travel Experience, Hypnosis Music. Tera Mangala Meditation Music offers high quality Relaxing Music, Massage Music and Reiki Music. Our audio meditations can be used as Yoga Music, Music for Massage and Spa Music. We also offer Deep Sleep Music for better sleep experience.

Meditation music can help You to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles, increase energy levels and alertness. Relaxing background music will enhance positive thinking and create a perfect environment for peace of mind experience. Take control of yourself and release old ideas and habits. Renew your confidence and your effectiveness will raise to the sky.

It’s scientifically proven that relaxing calming music helps to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Clear mind will open your eyes for new possibilities in life. Our music will also help you to maintain alertness while studying, increase focus and boost your brain to learn new things faster.
Our deep trance meditation will increase your experience for out of body meditation and astral projection experiences. Low bass meditation music gives nice low frequencies that will calm your body. These tracks can also be used for yoga sessions and visualization.

Highly relaxing Tera Mangala Meditation Music background music can be used as massage music for a complete body relaxation. Soothing slow music will put you into pleasant calming state. Music will also help you to beat insomnia, get to sleep faster and have a better quality sleeping experience.
Gain an inner peace that is only achievable through high quality meditation session. Find harmony for your emotional state and unlock new great ideas and unique solutions for problems. Music meditation will open new ways into deeper sources of inspiration. You will gain a positive perspective on all things and alleviate stress of the body and mind.

Healing frequencies music will release anger and worry, increase energy and ambition, increase productivity and ability to find solutions for the problems. Tera Mangala Meditation Music music is a great resource for lucid dreaming and astral projection meditation. Deep trance background music works best with good headphones.
Tera Mangala Meditation Music deep sleep music sessions originally created for mind and body relaxation, physically and mentally. Lucid dream sleep hypnosis is based on soothing calming music to help you to fall asleep faster.

#meditation #yoga #reiki #zen #binauralbeats #luciddreaming

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