Tierra Garden Easy Garden Tunnels - Review

5 years ago

Tierra Garden Easy Garden Tunnels can be found here.  https://amzn.to/3aaXiRy

Check out my website and podcast at http://tspc.co

These are what I consider the easy button for season extension, providing shade or protecting from persistent pests.  Over the past month I have examined a ton of potential solutions for this need, I chose this one because it has a great bang for the buck, is extremely easy to use and will store nicely when not in use.  

These come in a variety of options, first option is size you can get them in "standard"  or "giant".   I am going to recommend giant for most of you, because giant ain't all that big as yo can see in my video in the PS below.  The smaller size is 18 vs. 24 inches wide and only 12 vs. 18 inches high.  I consider that to low for most plants other than low growing greens, or may be just early protection for things like broccoli and cabbage.  Unless you need to conserve space go with the big ones, again watch the video, they are not that big. Now we are down to covering type there are four options...

Poly - provides the most thermal gain - https://amzn.to/2u6J7wb

Fleece - will work for many of you in climates that are not that cold - https://amzn.to/3aaXiRy

Micromesh - some thermal gain but mostly for protection against persistent pests - https://amzn.to/2NvmZT9

Net - Provides some shade during really intense summer heat and heavy sun - https://amzn.to/2FT3waS (MAKE SURE TO READ THE PRICING HEADS UP ON THIS ONE BELOW)

Three big heads up on pricing. 

One - If you just search for these on Amazon you'll get one of those listings with "available from these sellers" and pay over 50 bucks a pop for them.  The links I provide have direct pricing and the lowest pricing available that I can find, if you can do better great but use my recommended listing as a base line. 
Two - Pricing seems to bounce around on them a lot.  I say in the video the fleece was less than the poly, well when I bought them on the 2nd of January I paid 25.98 for the fleece and 29.97 for the poly.  Today the poly is 29.98 and the fleece option is 31.00.  So if you want to buy more than a few it may be an item to price watch.
Three - On the shade net option.  My link takes you to were this option is selling for 44 bucks.  If you look to the top of the listing you will see Lower Priced Items to Consider.  There you will see the same item for only 25 dollars, for some reason I can't link directly to that listing.  But you can find it and save almost 20 bucks so do it.

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