Uneducated Police Officers. Shut Down. Police and WCVB Ch. 5 News Violate Rights. Intimidation Fail

5 years ago

This was our trip to WCVB Channel 5 news in Needham Mass. Within a short ton to maybe 15 minutes we got a response from police. The interaction with police and total is over 20 minutes. Not only do we have one interaction but the approaches for a second time following us into basically the woods. These young uneducated officers violated our rights in many ways because they were unsure of the law. A stupid civilian like myself knew the laws better than they did. I requested a supervisor when I felt the situation getting out of hand. Check out the video and see the results of this full interaction!! Thank you for all the support!! It is greatly appreciated!! Much Love, Respect and Appreciation!!!

#MassAccountability #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #1stAmendmentAudit #CopWatch #AlwaysFilmThePolice #FilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #Salem #Beverly #Boston #Ipswich #Swampscott #Lynn #Peabody #NorthShore #Mass #Massachusetts #KnowYourRights #BlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #CopSucker #BootLicker #ThinBlueLine #WCVB #Channel5Boston #Needham

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