Seeing would anyone have stood up for me if I was wrongly charged ( You don’t have to answer)..

2 years ago

This is a situation in the USA that people can be wrongly accused and arrested for peacefully standing up and or have opposing views. Not that it mattered. It’s not a conspiracy theory. This is going on and more people especially within the last few years more harder recently because the powers that be want to make sure people are not allowed to speak out against anything that goes against their values. People are not allowed to think for themselves. They could be wrongly accused, arrested and thrown in jail allegedly for disagreeing with the people that run the system. The censorship and the selective media and editing of certain situations to push false narratives have been noticed more and are far extreme now. Yes there are people who are wrongly imprisoned for peacefully assembling in DC in my opinion in many others on J/6 . I heard allegedly 2 million. It had to be at least 100k there. Not that it mattered... I just have strong opinions... by Michelle Brown P.O Box 123 Bladensburg Maryland 20710.. Yes folks in my opinion should check out the interviews I suggested . Not that my opinions mattered because I went against the narrative pushed to the general public...

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