the sound of society salivating at pavlov's bell *every day all day

2 years ago

finally figured out which eye is lazy
i listen to a lotta music not just tupac
my parents have loaned me this really nice vehicle
never gonna get over the orphan status
a lotta kids don't have what i have
got impulsive and totalled my car
i hate how $ controls everything
we have been settling
now that things are getting inconvenient...
not whining but DOIN SUMIN
changing your life changes the world in ways you don't realize
maybe you can take down bill gates
he's probably a number of things
being separated from yer parents fucks you up, man
nobody understands...i do honey, I DO
if you haven't been in the situation, how could you possibly understand
the most you can hope for is empathy
social media has extinguished humanity
living for clout/validation/dopamine dingity dings
pavlov bell impression...everyone online
my fave thing that dogs do...pant
they look happy but they are just very hot
everything is either a placebo or euthanasia

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