Full Episode #40: The Corruption of Academic Medicine

2 years ago

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Published July 29, 2022

Join us Thursday, July 28 at 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific, for the VSRF Weekly Update.

Steve will be speaking with Investigative Filmmaker Phil Harper & Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., ABIM.

BAFTA award winning immersive documentary producer and director Phil Harper writes the investigative Substack, "The Digger". Phil is currently producing "The Research Cartel" a documentary on the pharmaceutical industry's profiteering throughout the pandemic.

Dr. Nass is an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War illness, fibromyalgia, and toxicology. As a biological warfare epidemiologist, she investigated world's largest anthrax epizootic in Zimbabwe, and developed a model for analyzing epidemics to assess whether they are natural or man-made. An anthrax expert, Nass has reviewed government-sponsored anthrax research in the context of the Biological Weapons Convention, used anthrax as a model for discussion of how to prevent biological warfare, reviewed anthrax vaccines and their role in biological warfare prophylaxis and played a central role in educating service members, Congress and the public about anthrax and the science underlying anthrax vaccine use, as well as other methods of responding to the anthrax threat.

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