主再來的先決條件 第三堂 / Prerequisites to the Lord's Return Part 3

2 years ago

「種子之戰」始於伊甸園(創世記 3:15),一直持續迄今。我們看到這場酣戰從人類最早的時期開始,撒但屢次試圖摧毀女人的後裔 (種子),牠無法摧毀它或用牠的自己的種子敗壞它。女人的個人後裔(種子) 是耶穌基督——但自從五旬節,基督的身體,亦即教會,把這個集體的後裔 (種子) 便構成撒但企圖腐敗和破壞的目標。



「大災難是上帝對以色列拒絕彌賽亞的審判(以西結書 20 章),以及祂對列國的審判(以賽亞書 24;34;約珥書 3;和撒迦利亞書 12-14)。為什麼呢?因為他們對猶太人的仇恨。這是以色列的篩選時間,也是上帝對列國的審判。教會在此之前面臨自己的審判。」

A John Mark Production

‘The Seed War' began in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15) and continues to this day. We see its progression from the earliest time of humanity in the attempt by Satan to destroy the seed of the woman, and his inability to destroy it or to corrupt it with his seed. The individual seed of the woman is Jesus Christ - but since Pentecost, the body of Christ, the church, makes up this corporate seed as the target of satanic corruption and destruction.

Pastor Doug addresses the rationalistic interpretation of the sons of God as distinct from the spiritual and correct interpretation and biblically proves the 'Line of Seth' doctrine is error. Doug introduces us to the source of the Nephilim who once populated the land of Canaan, and once again in this final generation of the church age, are among us.

The False Prophet and the Antichrist are not fully human! They are hybrids - and Doug introduces us to the biblical basis for this revelation.

"The Tribulation is God's judgement upon Israel for the rejection of Messiah (Ezekiel 20), and His judgement upon the nations (Isaiah 24; 34; Joel 3; and Zechariah 12-14). Why? Because of their hatred for the Jews. This is the sifting time for Israel and God's judgement on the nations. The church has its judgement prior to this."

A John Mark Production

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