FearLESS Parenting Interview of Anna Marie DiDio

2 years ago

My guest this episode is Anna Maria DiDio. Anna Maria decided to write children's books from the point of view of the child. Expressing the pain of separation and loss is an important part of what adopted children need to do. However, many times, it's not something that adoptive parents are able to hear. With her L.I.F.E.* series of children's books, Anna Maria focuses on what children of all blended family types are thinking and feeling as they acclimate to their new families.

Anna Marie's Link To Her Book : https://www.amazon.com/Many-People-Love-L-I-F-stepchildren-ebook/dp/B09V1JLW1V/ref

Also, you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting. 

Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting:https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i

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