44 Magnum, Accura Outdoors, 240 Gr. HP, Starline Brass

5 years ago

76Highboy Reloading and Gun Forum: https://www.76highboy.com/index.php
Accura Outdoors: https://accuraoutdoors.com/product-category/44/
Starline Brass: https://www.starlinebrass.com/

Bitly links... when you use a bitly link to make a purchase you are helping to support everything the channel is about. If you decide at a later time to order through Brownells online, please come back to this post and use the Bitly links. It keeps content going and keeps the forum online. We are always grateful.

For all my equipment mounts, I utilize Inline Fabrication. If you have a question on your specific piece of equipment either ask within this thread or contact Dan at Inline Fabrication. https://inlinefabrication.com/

The Press I am using:
Redding T7 Turret reloading press: http://bit.ly/2qOb33I

Powder measures. To save money you can go with the Redding 3BR which will serve for both rifle and pistol or, you can go with a powder measure for a specific application. Through my journey I prefer the Model 10X for pistol and the BR30 for rifle because the rotors are stationary.

Redding Competition Model 10X Pistol and Small Rifle Powder measure: http://bit.ly/2KpvT5b

Powder and Bullet Scale and Powder Trickler:

Redding Model No.2 is what I use for load development and all my reloading: http://bit.ly/2HObXEw

Dillon D-Terminator Digital Scale is the scale I use for quick reference. When this scale dies I will certainly buy another one. https://www.dillonprecision.com/d-terminator-electronic-scale_8_7_25213.html

44 Magnum Dies and Shell Holder

Redding Handgun Dies: # 88268, select 44 Magnum: http://bit.ly/2F5TxMD

Profile Crimp Die: This die is a crimp that starts with a taper crimp and ends with a roll. The taper provides for a more precise roll crimp over a conventional roll crimp die. Select 44 Magnum: http://bit.ly/2S5fH9d

Redding shell holder, 44 cal. Select #19. http://bit.ly/2GXtV5k

All live streams will utilize the Sierra load data manual. It is a must have... PERIOD!!! http://bit.ly/31JNp8G

Bullets: Handgun, .44 cal.
Accura Outdoors bullet: We will be working with both the 240 Gr. HP and the 240 Gr. FP.

Starline Brass, free shipping: https://www.starlinebrass.com/223-remington
AmmoBrass: https://www.ammobrass.com/

Handgun Powder for 44 Magnum:
Ramshot Enforcer, by Western Powders: http://bit.ly/35nyiTp

Primers for 44 Mag.
CCI 350: http://bit.ly/2S4WfJY

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