7/30/22 SNL Smack Down - The U.S. is the Moneypox/ Monkeypox Epicenter

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The MSM got their talking points, the paid minions on social media pushing the new SCAMDEMIC MONEYpox aka Monkeypox. The Alphabet Rainbow Skittles Klan is lining up for the Monkeypox vaccine, sounds like this is AZT 2.0 from the HIV/AIDS scam which they treated "HIV" positive people with the toxic & deadly chemotherapy drug AZT which created AIDS which is a syndrome not a disease.

1. Latest WAAAYCISM distraction, Sesame Street Gate, now race pimp Rev Jesse Jackson calling for Sesame Street to put blacks on the board & to donate money to support black business.

2. The DemoKKKrats have brought back segregation calling it "Safe Spaces " for POC and the Mammies are enabling this.

3. exchange between Doocey and Karine on the racist border wall he's filling in is pure comedy

4. there are moving drop boxes now, mobile voting vans in Racine Wisconsin, The Democrats can only win by cheating

5. Double vaccinated and booster Resident Joe Biden tested positive today for Covid19 for the 2nd time & Physician to President pen letter to explain Biden asympotmatic condition

6. Yuval Noah Harari- ...If we succeed, and there’s a very good chance we will, then very soon, we will be beyond the god of the bible”SEE what their goal is

7. News actually reported having sex through glory holes to avoid getting Covid19, this seems like a parody

8. on Tiktok Fake Monkeypox Rainbow skittles victim post video warning ppl about the disease promoting them to get vaccinated

9. Hours long wait at Encino monkeypox vaccine pop-up clinic
a. Monkeypox deemed imminent public
health threat in NY
b. Here what they say you need to know
about Monkeypox

10. 1000s of people are being killed in Hospitals for MONEY , through medical malpractice

11. The Truth about HIV/ Aids Scamdemic
a. If anyone takes these Antiviral Drugs
they are very toxic people die from them

12. The HIV/AIDS hoax explains Dr. Robert Willner wrote Deadly Deception

13. We are in the WAKE UP process , you can't tell them anything, they must be shown.

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